Reading List

General Skill Training

9 Steps to a Happy Dog & Home Cheat Sheet – Fulfill your dog’s needs by following these 9 steps and have a happier dog and home.

The Golden Treat – How to use the right treat at the right time

Hey Bartender! – How dog training is just like ordering a drink from a bar

Lure, Reward, and the Rule of Three – A guide on how to teach and more importantly improve skills quickly

3 Questions to ask when teaching any skill  – How to break down any skill you want to teach into the right steps

3 Questions and the Rule of 3 Flow Chart – companion flow chart to 3 Questions

3 Questions Worksheet – use this worksheet to keep track of your training

Leash Walking Posture – how I recommend that most owners hold the leash to be most effective

General Behavior Problems

The PAW System for Overcoming Any Behavior Problem – this is what I use as a framework for approaching any behavior problem


Helping Fearful Dogs by Giving Them the Freedom of Choice – Adapted from a blog post about my strategy and reasoning behind some of the work I do with fearful dogs.

Separation/Crate Training

Teach Your Dog How To Be Alone (in a Weekend) – I used to give this out to new adopters at Austin Pets Alive! as a step by step “crash course” for teaching dogs to feel safe and comfortable when left alone. So many newly adopted adult dogs have trouble with the transition and taking the right steps can go a long way towards helping them adjust. Trying to do it in a weekend with an adult dog is not ideal. Stretch the steps out over a long period if you can!


Videos of socialization work we’ve done.


“You’re Very Nice But Get Away From Me, Weirdo!” – My thoughts on puppy socialization and why a puppy class just isn’t enough.