Sample Daily Puppy Schedule

Morning Routine.

6am – Out to potty (Carry puppy from crate or confined area to yard. Keep on leash until pee and/or poop. Then let off-leash for free-time.

6:15 – Playtime & Training (use 1/2 breakfast).

6:30 – Put in confined area with Twist n’ Treat (yogurt mix + half breakfast).

Shower/get ready.

6:45 – Out to potty.

7:00 – Put in crate/confined area with lightly (but deliciously) stuffed Twist n’ Treat.

Leave for work while she is digging in.

Mid-Day Routine.

12pm – Out to potty.

12:10 – Playtime & Training (use lunch)

12:30 – Out to potty.

12:45 – Put in crate or x-pen – Twist n’ Treat lightly stuffed.

Back to work while she is digging in.

Evening Routine.

5pm – Out to potty

5:15 – Playtime & Training (use 1/2 dinner)

5:45 – Socialization Outing

6:45 – Out to potty.

7pm – crate/confined area w/ Twist n’ Treat (yogurt mix + rest of dinner)

7:30 – Out to potty.

7:45 – Rest time in crate w/ lightly stuffed Kong.

Dinner/personal/TV time.

9pm – Out to potty.

9:15 – Playtime

9:45 – Out to Potty

10pm – Bedtime in crate/confined area